
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Author: Joyce Mccall

Terrified. That’s what I am at the moment. Nathan left last month for deployment in Japan for six months and I’m now a stay-at-home wife (a very pregnant and swollen one, at that) trying to figure out how to prune shrubs and kill spiders without crying. No, it really has been fine. We have some incredible neighbors who have helped immensely since Nate left. I have had to kill a few bugs in the wee hours of the morning when I’m suffering from insomnia and I know it would be slightly annoying to call a neighbor. I am pretty proud of myself, actually. On Sunday, I noticed that the temperatureswere dropping outside and since I’ve been extremely hot-natured for the past three months and still felt chilly, I thought it might be time to crank up the heat in the house. I checked our bill from last year and researched to make sure we were still receiving the best price. Nate would have been so proud of this typical over-spender. Now if I can just get a handle on the baby spending…


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